Human Creativity Will Prosper in the AGI Era

As the competition for AI application dominance heats up among tech companies, there is much speculation around the implications of machine-learning on the future of humanity—particularly artistic expression like literature and music. While automation may very well kill off the editing job that I currently hold (addendum: formerly held), I have faith that my otherContinue reading “Human Creativity Will Prosper in the AGI Era”

Beating Stress, Anxiety and Depression by Inhibiting Substance P

Social isolation that goes too long is associated with this molecule of Tachykinin in everything from flies to humans. It makes us more irritable, fearful, paranoid, and impairs our immune system. Tachykinin is like this internal punishment signal. It’s like our body and our brain telling us, “You’re not spending enough time with people that you really trust.Continue reading “Beating Stress, Anxiety and Depression by Inhibiting Substance P”